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March 2025

Entry #001 - March 3 2025: starting this out of boredom and also to have some sort of diary i don't have to hide from family, i don't want to worry about grammar in my entries. i'll keep everything lowercase. anyways, behind on a lot of stuff, lied to my parents multiple times about having homework done because i didn't want them looking over my shoulder, and also can't find my laptop charger, so i've been borrowing other people's chargers. can't focus on the science class or language arts, which i do feel guilty about because my science and LA teacher is really nice but really tired, especially of us students. i was doing so good at the start of the semester, too. the only good thing i've done is get into 1st violin in the sinfonia class of the string project. the string project is something for middle and elementary schoolers who play stringed instruments. it's at the university in town and we're taught by college students. violin's the only thing i'm good at. yesterday i tuned my dad's acoustic guitar, and read off my violin sheet music for Clair de Lune, at least the first few lines. i don't know any guitar. i wish i did.

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